Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Shapes of Bristol

Somedays when we’e out taking photographs we move from scene to scene rather quickly. Other days we stroll around a scene and look at a structure from different angles or in smaller parts. Such a day was the day we saw the train station in Bristol.

The station is in transition . . . from a train station to an unknown future use. Freight trains still pass daily, but there is no use for the luggage carts anymore. Passenger service ended over a dozen years ago and the station has been empty since 1999.

Even the old light fixtures created an interesting reminder of the past.

But as you walk around the station, signs of its rebirth are evident in the fresh paint and pristine exterior. The shapes were interesting, especially when combined with a number of different ones.

I had wanted to take a photo of the sign over State Street which welcomes travelers to Bristol with an arrow to the Virginia side of the street and an arrow to the Tennessee side. You'll see this sign in every travel brochure to the city in two states, so I wanted my photo of this sign to be a little different. I hope I achieved that goal with the help of the station's railing.

And then there are scenes that only require a quick stop.

And then we move on.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice house i would like to live in think you have good dreams
