The return trip to the fork in the road gave us enough time to take the other choice.
A little further, we came upon the Dubois Fish Hatchery situated at the base of the Whiskey Mountain Bighorn Sheep winter range on the east slope of the Wind River Mountains. The "tour" of the hatchery was a self-directed one with little information available about what we were seeing.
The hatchery was built in 1940 and remodeled in 2005. It incubates between 4 and 7 million trout eggs each year for use at the station and other hatcheries in Wyoming and the United States. The Hatchery also hatches and rears 250,000 to 300,000 trout each year for stocking in Wyoming's streams and lakes.
As we walked past the tanks, we received one of two reactions from the fish--either they rushed to the surface as though anticipating food or they swam away as though aiming to avoid being netted.
A wide variety of fish are reared at Dubois including brook, brown, and rainbow trout, grayling, Kokanee salmon, and three of Wyoming's native cutthroat trout: the Bear River (Bonneville), Snake River, and Yellowstone cutthroat.
Charlie Moore owned and operated the Ranch from 1927-1952. It was interesting to learn that he grew up on the Wind River Indian Reservation in the late 1800s where his father was the Indian trader at Fort Washakie on the Wind River Indian Reservation.
Washakie, the last chief of the Eastern Shoshone tribe, was a regular visitor in the Moore household when Charlie was growing up.
Also of interest to us, Charlie and his brother J.K. Moore, Jr. were educated at Cheltenham Military Academy in Philadelphia, and the Ranch is now owned by the Kemmerer family.
We kept wondering if some of my (Chuck's) Kemmerer cousins were related to the present owners.
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