We were packing up, getting ready to head north from Phoenix to Sedona.
After five weeks, we still had several experiences that were "solo" events, i.e., a single photo or two might be all that are needed to summarize the event of the day. So some of these solo experiences are presented below.
We made a second visit to the Cave Creek Regional Park, just north of Phoenix, to capture one of the ocotillos in bloom. The peak would come in a couple of weeks.
In this same park, we took the Clay Mine Trail a short distance to the mine for which the trail is named.

The sign on the fance blocking the entrance to the mine reads as follows: "The mine was originally dug in search of gold. The land was later bought by Leila P. Irish, who believed that even though the mine contained no gold, its high levels of clay sediment could still be profitable.
Leila bottled this clay and called it a miracle elixir that was said to cure all ailments. Though this was not true, it did cure one ailment exceedingly well--Dysentery, a disease from drinking bad water.
She made a fortune off her scheme—a fortune that her descendents still enjoy."
(The sign also warns “Stay Out” and “Stay Alive.”)

Taking black and white photos is becoming more interesting. In some ways, I think it is harder to compose a picture in black and white, but I also think some subjects show better in black and white than in color.
As examples of this latter point, I think these photos of agave cacti show the shape of the plants better, and the light highlights areas in a more dramatic way than a color photo could.
It was Easter dinner at Beverly Jahn's home, and just before the meal began, she donned this Easter Bunny mask and reluctantly posed for this photo.

We were headed to lunch one day with Raina when this building caught my attention. It looked like one of the computer cards that we used when writing programs back in the days of Fortran--only a little over 40 years ago.
If you are ever in Phoenix and have a small chip in your windshield, the man to call to make the repair is Bob Brooks.
Not only is he a craftsman who takes pride in providing perfect repairs but he also takes time to explain the chemistry behind the repair of the chipped glass.
While he was placing this instrument on the window, positioning the white nozzle over the chip, and injecting some type of acrylic material (I think) into the chipped section, he explained that the material activates
the molecules in the glass in such a way that it pulls the glass toward the chipped space until the glass molecules cover the space.
My understanding may be way off, but he did a fine job--no sign of any chip in the windshield.
Finally, learning what this sign meant revealed how behind the time I am. To reduce the dread of going to the dentist,
spa dental offices often include cascading water fountains, fresh baked cookies, hot stone massages, foot massages, facials and even virtual reality glasses to watch a movie during dental treatment.
Our dentist back in PA provided some of these services, but I hadn't realized I had been to a dental spa.
Time to get back on the road.
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