Western South Dakota has been a surprise to us.

That simple statement is an acknow-ledgement of how travel challenges assumptions about places. Add further challenges to assumptions about people in different parts of the country and you have a good understanding of the benefits of travel.

Mark Twain was much more direct with his powerful statement about travel's value: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.”
The photos above and left of our campground south of Custer, SD, and those below

show that the area, instead of being a large rocky area similar to the Badlands, is an area of forested hills, green rolling plains, and spaces in which buffalo do, indeed, roam.

The photos were all taken south and north of Custer.
The bright blue skies and the cumulus clouds added another dimension to the already beautiful scenes.

Even a morning of fog did not hide the beauty of the hill and meadows.

Love these challenges to generali-zations and assumptions.
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