Monday, October 3, 2011

A Quick Drive Around San Francisco

About a month ago, a couple were sitting in their home in Phoenix trying to deal with the sweltering heat, when the husband said something like, "How about going to San Francisco for a weekend?"

The husband used to live in San Francisco years ago, and they were recently married there, so the appeal of the city was quite strong for both of them.

When we learned of their conversation and plans, we welcomed their plans, since we were staying just a ferry ride away.

So we met cousin Raina and Jesse for a tour of some tourist attractions, a couple of restaurants, and a visit to one of Jesse's old neighborhoods.

Jess filled the dual role of driver and tour guide very effectively. In today's entry, we will cover some scenes around the city. In the days to come, we will cover some of our stops.

If I mentioned that these people were taking photographs at the foot of Lombard Street, you would probably understand the reason for the crowd's interest.

Lombard Street is described as "the crookedest street in the world." Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but it sure ranks up there.

I think the buildings in these next two photos are in the North Beach area.

The impressive building that houses Hua Zang Si Temple was constructed shortly after 1900 as St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church. A non-denominational Chinese Buddhist temple, Hua Zang Si, which opened in 2004, is located in the Mission District.

Jess pointed out several different murals on buildings in the Mission District. He was one of the artists who contributed to two of these murals.

I think that the murals shown here (above, left, and below) are the two that he worked on.

The El Capitan looks like it may have been a theater in a past life; today it is a hostel in the Mission District.

We took a few photos as we drove through Chinatown.

I have been trying to come up with a clever caption for this photo, but it looks too dangerous to make light of.

But it's on to the attractions of the city.

[Today we arrived in San Diego and will be here for the month of October.]

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