Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Quarter's Worth of Details

It's time for the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival or, simply, Jazz Fest.

We attended the Festival today and will be attending the all-day music festival tomorrow, also.

So, because of the limited time to compose a complete entry, today and tomorrow's accounts will feature scenes from the French Quarter.

Because we have been able to spend an extended period of time in New Orleans, we have had the opportunity to take leisurely walks around the Quarter.

On a couple of these walks, we took time to search out the details--architectural, artistic, and those unique touches provided by Mother Nature and the people who live and work in the Quarter.

The exact location of the details shown here is not important other than to say the scenes appeared in the French Quarter.

The metal sheet on this door reads: "Restore. Safeguard. Member Vieux Carre Property Owners & Associates, Inc."

Some of these details are long-lasting, signifying the passage of many years,

while others represent a continuing struggle against some terrific odds.

But for each sign of the passing of many years, there are touches of color that draw the eye to signs of renewal.

And then there are signs that do not lend themselves to an immediate understanding. While waiting for the shuttle, a group of us saw this male striding resolutely down the street. With nary a look to either side, he continued as though on a mission--oblivious to traffic.

Another unusual story in the Quarter.

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