Tuesday, September 3, 2013

The Celebration Continues

This past Saturday was my (Chuck's) aunt Margaret's 100th birthday, and a party was held to honor her. The celebration was organized by the seniors and was held in the Kay Ceniceros Senior Center in Sun City (CA).
About sixty people were expected to attend, but several others dropped in during the five-hour birthday party. A total of ninety-three people signed the guest book.

Four of Margaret's siblings (Martha, Evelyn, Hank, and Joan) joined in the day's recognition of her milestone.
Margaret (left) and Martha

Martha and Evelyn

Hank and Joan

Christian, the son of a friend of Margaret, works with Assemblywoman Melinda Melendez of the California State Legislature and obtained the Certificate of Recognition shown below.
On a table were examples of the hobbies Margaret enjoyed over the years. In addition to knitting, two that she enjoyed were cake decorating and
oil painting. Several other beautiful examples of her artwork are on display in her home.
While Margaret made her way from table to table sharing memories with family and friends, I took photos of family members who were not at the Friday night dinner (see previous blog entry).
Margaret's daughter Sandra (left) and Sandra's daughters Julie (center) and Shelly (right)

Matt, Ally, and Abby (Shelly's children) and Julie

Julie and Margaret

Richard and his wife Karen and

Barbara. Karen and Barbara are daughters of Lorin, Margaret's cousin.

Jon (husband of Barbara, who is shown below) and Jesse (husband of Raina, Evelyn's daughter) and

Barbara (Margaret's niece)

Margaret and her great-granddaughter Abby share the same birthday.
Two birthday cakes--one (left) for Margaret and the other for Abby (daughter of Shelly, who is the daughter of Sandra, who is the daughter of Margaret)

Margaret cutting her cake

Abby cutting her cake

Belatedly, blowing out the candles

Abby, the other birthday girl

Truly, a day for celebration.

1 comment:

  1. Mom hasn't shown any interest in MY blog but she is eating up this entry on yours. I've got her at the library with the zoom set at about 300%. Great photos!
