Monday, November 25, 2013

On the Road in Oregon

Fog was a frequent companion on our travels around the Oregon coast.
As a result, the travels to a designation presented as many interesting subjects for photos as those at the journey's end.
Stopping to photograph these scenes is rarely possible, so capturing the mood or activity in a scene must be accomplished from a moving vehicle.
Usually there are only seconds available to compose a shot.

The photos in this group were taken one morning as we traveled around Florence.
As the fog lifted, we saw more fall colors and
activity on the water and
on land.
A few days later, we left Florence and made our way inland--the fog accompanying us on this drive, also.
There were breaks in the fog that allowed us to see some pastoral scenes like that below,
but even away from the coast, the fog was surrounding the hills along the route to Canyonville, OR.

We were especially eager to find scenes with the colors of fall in the pine forests,
and while we were fortunate to see some splashes of colors along the way,
the biggest display was in the RV park we pulled into in Canyonville.
But because of a heavy rain and wind that night, most of the leaves were mixed with the deep green color of the park's grass by the next morning,

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