Our strategy: Get an early start for the 60-mile drive from our RV site in North Salt Lake so that we can beat the horde of daily visitors to this city that had
Note: We have learned that Utah's food culture has generated more than 100 souvenir Olympic food pins. It began with a bowl of glistening cubes of green gelatin. In 1998, about 5,000 green gelatin food pins were released, retailing for $7. Soon, they took on a Beanie Baby-like mystique. Now they're worth $150 each, if you can get your hands on one. In addition, cookbooks were produced to share in such stereotypical delights as Green Jell-O with Pineapple and Cottage Cheese, Fry Sauce and Funeral Potatoes.
We arrived mid-morning and had our choice of parking spots in a large lot convenient to the town's main street. We had beaten the crowds. It was going to be a good day.
But, as the saying goes; "It was quiet . . . , too quiet."
We had planned to spend only the morning in Park City, so we had to content ourselves with views of the buildings' exteriors.
Although Park City was a tremendously successful mining town, the history of the city is marked with difficult times. Park City suffered terrible fires in 1882 and then again in 1885. However, the worst disaster came on June 19, 1898. A horrible fire raged through the Park City commercial district.
One of the buildings on Main Street that survived was the 1895 Telephone Building, now the Purple Sage restaurant.
But when we saw the Egyptian Theatre (partially hidden by a parked re-cycling truck), we knew we wanted to see the interior.
A woman exited the theatre, "Is it possible to take photos of the interior?" I asked.
"Well, I think so, but I have no idea where the light panel is to turn on the lights. Someone should be here within the next half hour. It's really a beautiful theatre--one of about 10 like it in the country," she answered.
The art community in Park City is thriving.
This sculpture is at the main intersection in the center of the city. In addition to about two dozen galleries, the city's Arts Council's work complements the recreational activities of the area.
A variety of performing arts and artistic endeavors are provided through the Park City Art Festival, the Summit Institute for the Arts and Humanities (classical and modern dance), the Park City Film Series (international independent films throughout the year), and each January, filmmakers from all over the country convene for North America's premiere independent film competition at Robert Redford's Sundance Film Festival.
Along Main Street are artistic products ranging from serious sculptures
to some off-beat presenta-tions.
This sculpture garden elicited some interest. The lawn chair seemed poised to host a viewer of
Even the colors of the city's buildings and shops and their furnishings convey the spirit and vitality of the city.
If only we had been able to see the interior of the Egyptian Theatre.