After studying the exterior of the Grove Park Inn and its intricate arrangement of rocks and boulders without any mortar showing (see yesterday's entry), we were left wondering: "How did they do that?"
Curiosity and anticipation led us inside. Here at the Front Desk, we found another use of the resources surrounding the Inn. Slices of logs and branches were encased in glass around the desk.
Sections of the interior wall were lighted in such a way to show the natural, but rough, appearance of a rocky cliff along the hallway.
The rock-walled main lobby features massive fireplaces situated on opposite ends. The stones were placed to fit, like a puzzle, not chiseled to fit--an amazing feat, considering some of the larger granite boulders that make the fireplace weigh 10,000 pounds.
The fireplaces are 10 feet wide, 7 feet tall and 7 feet deep. Each of the 10 feet wide openings is spanned with a single massive natural stone.
In the sides of the big fireplaces are elevators, the noise of which is muffled by the stone. Both of those 97-year-old elevators are still in service today.
The elevator operator we met urged us to see the gallery up a couple of floors.
Among the photos along the walls was the one below of the 400 men who completed the construction of the Inn in an amazingly quick eleven months, twenty-seven days. The pay for the men was the highest in the region at that time with wages being one dollar a day for ten-hour days.
The photo below shows an example of the original artwork of 1920.
The plaque notes the prominent guest in rooms 443 and 441.
The well-appointed restaurants add to the beauty of the views of the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Unfortunately, we missed the ringing of the Sunset Chime.
Sunday, July 13, 2014
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Thanks for the information. Once very beneficial to us all. Awaited further information.
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